Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I send my common fees?
Contact our Accounts Receivables Department by phone at Ext. 482 or by email at to verify the address to which you should mail your common charge payments.

How do I request a resale package or mortgage questionnaire?
Contact Mary Jo Withee, via email at, or call 860 528-2885 Ext. 412, and she will provide you with ordering instructions.

What do I do if I have a complaint?
All complaints should be forwarded to Westford in writing to Without specific information, the management company will be unable to determine if the complaint is valid and requires action by the Association.

What is a Condominium?
When you choose to live in a condominium community, you generally agree to the basic understanding: “I own only the interior of my unit from the walls inward and all plumbing and electrical systems that service it.” Exterior areas (i.e. decks and patios), that service your unit are considered limited common elements. Limited common elements are areas that are owned by the Association (all unit owners), but are designated for limited access by specific unit owners. These limited common areas are the responsibility of the unit owner.
Common elements include areas that are completely owned and maintained by the Association. This includes certain landscaped areas, driveways and parking spaces.
Living in a condominium is not for everyone. When you purchase a condominium, you must accept and understand that you are purchasing a unit within a community. You will be living in close proximity to your neighbors and, as a unit owner, you are responsible to abide by the rules and regulations adopted by the community. This is how the uniformity in a condominium is maintained.

What are Association Documents?
Your condominium documents are the governing rules, regulations, and responsibilities that all members of the Association must accept. These are the “blueprints” that dictate the actions of the Board, its management company, and all unit owners. As a unit owner, you are responsible to read, understand, accept and abide by them. Answers to questions you may have about your Association’s operation can be found in these documents. These documents will be included in a resale package when you sell your unit.